Funding for Hutting/Land Acquisition

Hi All,

I’ve checked through to see if there’s any up to date guidance for this, but not finding much. Does anyone in the community know about funding opportunities for land acquisition for individuals? As someone who works in the funding world, I know it’s a bit of a longshot, but I’m sure there must be something out there for those looking to act as custodians of the land and safeguard wildlife and the environment.

Is there anything out there? Or is funding reserved for hutting groups/collectives/organisations?

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Hello CJP,
I doubt that there will be funds available for individuals to acquire small bits of land outside of agricultural use. I hope I’m wrong though!

Most funders want to see a “public good” resulting from any grant and that would be hard to argue for one person getting money to use for their own leisure activity. Funders usually want to give money to a verified legal entity which has a written constitution and is bound by charity or other legislation. Otherwise they may feel they have no guarantee that the recipient will do what they said they would do with the cash and they would leave themselves open to criticism of not doing due diligence with their member’s money.

Maybe if the land in question was badly in need of remediation, but then the preferred approach would be for a recognised community group to apply for funding for a warden or care-taker of the land, with the land being owned by the community or group.
Just my tuppence worth. Hope I’m wrong. Don’t forget to share if you are successful!

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