Interesting training course at UHI Western Isles

Sustainability - Growing Roots: Creating Sustainable Adventure Experiences with Trees

I think this might actually be an outdated course, unfortunately.

Thanks @AlWhit … I’m pretty sure it’s live … just awaiting sufficient numbers to deliver it. I signed up last year but was the only one. There’s a few folk from here in Argyll who are interested so I think it’ll run if there’s more interest. Hence motivation for promotion.

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…and… As If by magic… An update arrived today from Tamara…

The date for the next offering of the course online for Growing Roots is September 15th – a Monday – and will run each Monday early evening for 7 weeks.

We aim to start at 18:00 and finish by 20:30 and I have yet to confirm the guest speakers but will update you closer to the time.


Ah great! Hope it runs this time then!