Journal 69 | Agroforestry

The Spring 2024 issue of Reforesting Scotland takes a look at ‘Agroforestry’, with theme articles on climate ready farming, livestock integration with woodlands in Scotland, aspen agroforestry, agroforestry and crofting, tree hay, ramial wood chip and woolly pigs. Beasts of the Forest follows the theme with a look at how cattle are reinvigorating habitats in Abernethy Forest.

Other regular features are a Woodland Report from Tap o’ Noth farm, a Project Report on Highland elms, Artists in Wood with furniture maker Anna Nichols, a Deer Report on counting deer in the 21st century, and a Letter from New England which compares woodland and hutting cultures. Plus news, book reviews and more!”

More details plus how to read online or buy the journal: Journal 69 – Agroforestry – Reforesting Scotland

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This has been my favourite issue for a while, hard to put it down! Definitely done the theme justice with such a wide range of articles.