Tree Nursery Directory

Here’s a list of Scottish Tree Nurseries, micro through to massive.

:hammer_and_wrench: Work In Progress: Please help out if you can by adding missing nurseries.

Nurseries are grouped by seed zone. However, note that many nurseries will grow seed from other zones as well as where they are based.

For each tree nursery we have a web link where possible and an indication of the size of the nursery in number of trees per year. Where the tree nursery manager is on the RS Hub a contact is included so you can message them directly on the hub.

How to add your tree nursery:
This is a wiki post which can be edited by any logged in user via the discussion page. To add to it, register or log in to the Hub then either;
Method 1 (simple): Scroll to the bottom and click image to reply below and add your nursery details. An admin will add it to the directory for you.
Method 2 (advanced) Log in and click image at the bottom of the directory to edit the directory directly. Try and keep to the existing format.
Details to include:
Include the size of your nursery, website / contact details, any specialties; cell grown or bare root; website. Please keep it to 25 words to avoid the directory getting huge!


101 Shetland

Shetland Amenity Trust, Lerwick, Shetland

~45k/yr. Website: Tree Nursery | Shetland Amenity Trust
Shetland’s main tree nursery. Specialising in Shetland-adapted species that include non-natives that have been trialled over the years. Mainly cell grown.

102 The Far North & Orkney

The Wild Croft, Skerray, Sutherland

~2k/yr. Website: Contact: @AlWhit
A micro croft tree nursery growing cell grown native stock as well as willow cuttings for basketry and windbreaks. Croft pickup only.

UHI Orkney

Contact: Clive Chaddock, 01856569000
New start for 2024. Cell grown birch, rowan and alder.

Little Assynt Tree Nursery

60k/yr. Contact: or 01571 872010
Native trees and shrubs grown from locally collected seed. Cell grown and bare root.

103 Western Isles

104 Inner Hebrides

105 North West

Dundreggan Tree Nursery, Invermoriston

Part of Trees for Life, specialising in hard to grow and specialist native trees. They have an innovative aspen seed orchard and montane species project.

201 North East

106 West

Taynuilt Trees, Argyll

120k/yr. Website:
Small family-run nursery in Taynuilt, growing trees since 1993. Specialising in tree species native to North Argyll; all stock is grown in the open ground for one or two years from seed collected in local woods. Happy to sell trees in ones or thousands.

202 East

107 South West

Beechgrove Trees and Hedging

100k/yr. Website, :email:
We produce cell grown native trees and shrubs, where possible using locally collected seed. We are registered for the FRM regulations and for plant passporting. We can sell single trees or thousands. We are also trying to grow on some trees in beds for larger plants.

203 South East

Underground Trees, East Lothian

~20k/year. Website:
Cell-grown native trees, grown using organic practices with a focus on the tree microbiome. FRM registered.
Direct sales | Contract growing | Research

Specialist Nurseries

Nothing here yet…

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106 West
Laura Gamwell Croft 6, Tighnabruaich, Argyll.

Corylus avellana. Quercus robur. Alnus glutinosa. Please inquire for occasional other species.
Peat free, locally grown, cell grown native trees, FRM registered.
Larger batches grown to order.

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Thanks Rhyddian, any contact details or website? Shall I tag you as the contact for the nursery?

102 Orkney, New start in 2024, Clive Chaddock, 01856569000, cell grown, birch, rowan and alder.

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Little Assynt Tree Nursery Z102. Native trees and shrubs grown from locally collected seed. c. 60k trees p.a. cell grown and bare root.
Contact: or 01571 872010

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