Using tree hay as livestock fodder

Thursday 7 March, 7–8.30pm

Online event: Register here

Making hay from trees can be a valuable way to supplement winter forage and support livestock nutrition and welfare.

Join us for an informative and practical online discussion on the benefits and practicalities of making and using tree hay, where we will explore topics including:

  • The benefits of supplementing winter forage with trees
  • Uses and benefits of different species
  • Nutrition and welfare
  • Producing tree hay
  • Drying and storing
  • Ways of feeding tree hay.

We will be joined by Lynbreck Croft, Tap o’ North Farm, and Dr Lindsay Whistance of the Organic Research Centre.

FREE and open to farmers, crofters,land managers and foresters. Booking required.

Hi, I’m very sorry to miss this. We’ve been having a go at making and feeding tree hay and would really like to learn more and talk about it. However, Thursdays are no good for me. If there is a recording of the event somewhere I would be very interested. Thanks Ali

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I saw this in action in SW Norway during the Reforesting Scotland Norway Study Tour. Spring comes late in Setedal and young willow branches and shoots go down well with hungry livestock.

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This was a really popular event and very good. I definitely recommend watching it if you have an interest in agroforestry…